Insulation and heating Instalation grants for landlords with tenants.
Grants are available to the occupiers of privately rented properties as it is they who pay the fuel bills.
For tenants that receive a qualifying tax credit or benefit, tenants are not likely to have to pay anything towards the cost of insulation.
Eco Installations are a management company who are able to deliver ECO funded grants for insulation and heating measures for landlords and agents.
As part of the free surveying process Eco Installations are able to access the Government’s ECO funding scheme which enables many properties to be fully insulated at a greatly reduced rate or even for free in most cases (especially off mains gas properties).
As a private landlord or property management company, your requirement is to give written permission prior to works being carried out.
Please note that flats cannot have cavity wall insulation fitted unless all flats directly above and below also have it fitted.
​Qualifying Criteria
i. Any person living in the property must be in receipt of a qualifying benefit.
ii. Current mains gas boiler must be classed as inefficient, broken or at least 7 years old.
iii. In some instances a mains gas boiler can only be replaced when a second measure is also installed, such as cavity wall insulation.
iv. Amount of funding is dependent upon house type and number of bedrooms.

We can also re-insulate many properties which previously met building regulations and property thermal values but do not now, (dependant upon what type of material was originally used).Â
Cavity wall insulation materials and processes have improved so much during the past 25 years and this is exactly the reason why Ofgem and the government have released ECO funding for it.

We can also access ECO funding grants for full mains gas boiler replacements (dependent upon qualifying criteria) which will always save you anything from 30% to 100% fitted and fully tested.
All boilers fitted are brand new combination boilers and come with full warranty, new timer and thermostat & trv's. A hot and cold flush through the system would also be carried out.

All electric room heaters are replaced with high heat retention programmable storage heaters which have in-built systems to allow heat to be available whenever wanted. An added benefit to having these storage heaters installed is that it improves the property's EPC rating.

Heat from your house will rise resulting in about quarter of the heat generated being lost through the roof of an uninsulated home.Insulating the roof space of your home is the simplest, most cost-effective way of saving energy and reducing your heating bills. Insulation should be applied to the loft area to a depth of at least 270mm, both between the joists and above as the joists themselves create a "heat bridge" and transfer heat to the air above.
With modern insulating techniques and materials, It's still possible to use the space for storage or as a habitable space.