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Arifa Akter
Jan 03, 2022
To be successful in any online business, you need to constantly measure, track, and test everything you do in order to sms database optimize your promotional efforts and improve your return on investment (ROI). This is especially true for your list building efforts since a large portion of your income will sms database come from those on your lists. One of the most important steps when building a list is to create a squeeze page that converts well. To do this, you sms database will want to split test every component of your squeeze pages. When testing your squeeze page, you will need to set up two different pages. Then send traffic to both. Once you have sms database at least 100 visitors to each squeeze page, compare the results and discard the worst performing component. Repeat. PLEASE NOTE: You will want to compare only one sms database component at a time. Otherwise, you will not know if one of the components you are testing performs poorly and if one performs well. • Different types of squeeze pages - There are several different types of squeeze pages sms database currently being used on the internet. There is the traditional type that uses content, bullet points, a call to action and a subscription form. Another type is sms database similar to the traditional type but uses either an audio or video instead of text. Yet another type that has been gaining in popularity lately is a scenic picture with just a sms database compelling headline and a large opt-in form. Then there are combinations of different types but these three are the most popular types. Try different types to find out which one converts best for you. Header graphic - You should first sms database compare the results of using a graphic or not using one.

Arifa Akter

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